Starseeker needs your help!

Our Mother Boat has a broken motor.
Help us extend our visas, fix the motor and keep her running!
Donate now!

Dear Family,

The time has come! Delia, the motor of our motherboat Starseeker is broken and we need to fix it before our visas run out!

We are currently anchored in Indonesia where we cannot busk on the streets because we would go to jail.

That is why we now turn to you! We ask for your help! What can you do?

You can share this page, send it to friends who could be interested!

If you have the means you can help us by donating money via our Paypal so we can repair her motor and Starseeker can continue teaching travelers around the world the art of sailing and living a community lifestyle!

We love to trade so we offer you what we can give! If you can support us with money we have made some gifts for you!
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The Gifts


50$ and more: You will receive an exclusive print of a photograph taken by the crew of Starseeker.

Indonesian Craft

100$ and more: We will send you a speacial hand made Indonesian craft.

Craft & Print

500$ and more: We will send you a speacial hand made Indonesian craft + three photo prints of Starseeker!

Pirate Sailing Adventure

1000$ and more: You and a friend can come on a sailing adventure once Starseeker is fixed. Live with us, learn to sail, experience the community lifestyle, listen to live music on deck and let us cook for you as you snorkel the reefs.

Do you have any questions?

9 + 9 =

The story of Dalia the Motor

By the Starseeker Crew

We made a little photo story of Dalia’s journey from the Boat to the shore for you.

Thank you!

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