Boom Broadcast

A short film narrated by the Boom Festivals Broadcast, filmed by Katharina Jung, Delphine Steinmetz and Ramin Krause.



A short film by Katharina taking us to a show of the Drifting Circus on Espiritu Santo in Vanuatu. Music by Tony Schulz, Roddy Sim, Colin Manson, Marcello, Katja, Inti Llamas El Kabron, Alejo Hlopec.

Spell No More

A short memory by Ramin of the journey from New Zealand to Vanuatu. Music by Roddy Sim & Lewis Skelly.



This is Libertalia, a seven part web series about the beginnings of our community one year ago in Panama.

Director: Caroline Gerdolle & Arnault Labaronne

Who are we?

And why we do what we do.

Sailing Lessons

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